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Insurance Agency
This is what protects you if you are at an in fault accident. It protects your responsibility to other drivers and their property
Liability coverage provides several types of protection for you, this includes:
* Bodily Injury Liability for each person
* Bodily Injury Liability for each accident, and
* Property Damage Liability for each accident
You may recognize these coverage amounts $30,000/$60,000/$25,000- these are the state minimum limits required in Texas. These may be the state minimums required, however you are not covered or protected with these minimum limits.
While a 30/60/25 policy may be enough to satisfy your state’s minimum requirements, it is not enough to fully protect you if a serious accident occurs. Here's why:
30/60 means the policy offers $30,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per person hurt in an accident, up to $60,000 total per accident.
If you cause an accident that exceeds your policy limits, you can be held liable for the excess expenses.
Even if an 30/60 policy meets your state’s minimum requirements, it is better to have limits that are at least equal to your net worth. Since you could be sued following an accident that exceeds your policy limits, coverage that matches your net worth can help prevent such lawsuits.
Accidents that result in severe bodily injuries can cost more than $100,000, so the more coverage you have, the better equipped you will be to protect your finances if you cause an accident.
Example: You strike a car from behind and that causes another car to rear-end another car. There are 2 people in one car and 3 in the other one. It is proven to be your fault. If you have the state minimums 30/60/25, that means you have up to $30,000 to cover one persons medical, $60,000 (max) to cover the other four peoples medical. Anything that exceeds your policy limits, you can be help liable for the extra expense. Then you have $25,000 to repair the 2 cars you hit and any property damage. Anything over your policy limits, you could be potentially be sued to cover these expenses.
50/100/100 gives you $50,000 to cover one persons medical, $100,000 to cover multiple peoples medical and $100,000 to cover the car, cars or cars and property damage you may cause. This gives you better coverage for just a little extra each month, but will give you better coverage to protect yourself.
100/300/100 is even better coverage to protect you from a possible lawsuit. It gives you $100,000 to cover one person's medical, $300,000 to cover multiple peoples medical and $100,000 to cover the car, cars, and property damage you may have caused.
Our job at the Lundgren Agency is to do our best to keep you covered and protected, knowing that the state minimums is just not enough and is setting you up for a lawsuit, we have made the decision as an agency that we can't consciously sell state minimums which with today's auto prices and medical expenses, could be setting you up for a lawsuit. While coverage of 50/100/100, may not always cover everything for you, it gives you better coverage than state minimums. We are here to protect you and your family, not sell you the bare minimums knowing that more than likely that won't cover you in an accident.
100/300/100- is the coverage we encourage our customers to purchase. For sometimes as little as $5-$10 more a month you have much better protection and coverage.Of course there are higher coverage options such as 250/500/250 and 500/500/250 that will give you maximum protection and are just a few dollars more.
We are here to help you understand these coverages and choose the best one to protect you and your family. While insurance is not cheap, its worth every penny when you are in an accident. Our job is to protect you.
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